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 Preschool daily routine:


Greeting Time

We welcome all the children, talk about the weather, day of the week, our news, do some circle time activities.

Large Group Time:

Large-group time builds a sense of community. Up to 22 children and two adults come together for movement and music activities, interactive storytelling, and other shared experiences. Children have many opportunities to make choices and play the role of leader.


Small Group Time:

During this time, a small group of children meet with an adult to experiment with materials, try out new skills, and solve problems.

Teacher plans activities based on children's particular skills, children's interests and observations of the group. (F.E if one of the children is very excited about going to the zoo, teacher may plan to make some clay zoo animals with the group or if the child has problems with showing his feelings, teacher may organize emotions activity)

 Snack Time


We have healthy eating policy in Wise Owl. That means we eat a lot of healthy food. We love homemade sandwiches, veg and fruit.

Children have their jobs during snack time, they help teacher to give out the cups, lunch boxes and to tidy up after. 


Book Time


Children have 10 minutes to relax with a book in the cosy book area.  

They also enjoy story time with teacher or interactive books, when one child presents the book to the rest of the group.

Planning Time

Children plan what they want to do during work time (toys, materials to use, and friends to play with)


Work time 


Children play in interest areas in the room. They may choose from: 

*Art Area

*Home / Dress up Area

*Toys Area

* Blocks Area

*Book Area

Recall Time

Few minutes period for reviewing and recalling with an adult and other children what they’ve done and learned during play time

Outside Time

Children and adults spend at least 30 minutes outside every day, enjoying  play in the fresh air. Our outside area has sand / water table, mud kitchen, playground. 

Relaxation Time

It is time for quiet, solitary activities, relaxing music, books, jigsaws, sensory play.


 Our everyday activities in Preschool and Afterschool:

Art - clay, painting, colouring, crafts, hot glue gun creations, 

Sensory Play - play-dough, slime, corn flower dough, kinetic sand, water table, sand table.

Science - experiments, math games

Motor skills activities: sewing, knitting, cutting, beading, weaving,finger painting

Outside physical activities - games, soccer, basketball, obstacle courses, free play.

Large Group Activities-

music and movement, dancing, games, karaoke, parties (Halloween, Christmas party)


ping-pong, soccer table, board games, movie making,  workshops, competitions - smoothie competition, best sandwich competition, highest pasta and marshmallow tower,  and much more ;)

The teaching team has their planning time as well. They meet to discuss their observations of children's interests, developing, abilities. They focus on those observation while planning activities for children, materials to use during activities, materials in the classroom

After School Daily Routine:

 Homework Time:

Children have an opportunity to complete their homework under the supervision and guidance of our staff.

Dinner Time:

We provide dinners from Horan's Deli. Children can also have their own snack from home. We seat at the table together and enjoy talking about our day at school ;) Children help teachers with serving and cleaning.


Outside time: 

 We spend as much time outside as only the weather permits.

Our physical activity programme meets part of a child’s 60 to 90 minutes a day exercise requirement,

gets children moving and engaged in active games.

Work Time

Children play in interest areas:

Book Area

Home and Dress up Area

Art Area

Toys and Blocks Area

Art Time 

Our afterschoolers have free access to all art materials, they can create any piece of art they only want. We also organize art workshops and canvas painting activities.

Workshop Time

Zumba, Yoga, dancing, fitness, making movies, cooking, drums and much more ;)

 Relax time 

Reading books, sensory play, jigsaws, board games.

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